Welcome to 360 Grief

Bringing Grief Full Circle from Pain to Healing to Remembering with Hope and Love.

Welcome, my name is Mari Riedlinger, I am a Certified Grief Educator, trained by David Kessler.

Having experienced my own traumatic losses, I understand the need to have your grief and pain witnessed, heard, and held. I can help you walk through those difficult moments where you feel stuck or overwhelmed by your feelings. Grief is the result of an unwanted and often, unexpected loss. No one can take away your pain, but I can help you through the pain to a place where perhaps you can find meaning. You can turn your grief 360, from pain to healing and remembering with hope and love. I can be reached by clicking above on the social media or email icons. 


Mari Riedlinger,




Weekly Insights

Check back weekly for encouragement.


Your present self is creating your future self. Changes happen through choices and actions. One small action makes room for the next small action. What action will you take today?  (Adapted from a Nancy Levin talk)





Upcoming Event:

In person Grief Group starts September 10th, 2024.

6 weeks, Tuesday evenings at Advent Luthean Church in Mill Creek, WA. 

Space is limited, for more information please email Mari at 360grief@gmail.com

Email link above.